Adding an email to an Exchange client's account

  1. Go to
  2. Username: infrontadmin Password: internal
  3. Click the customers category under Operations
  4. Find the customer in the list. This can be done by entering the company in the search box labeled Company, or going through the list.
  5. On the right hand side of the customer's entry in the Actions category, there is a box. If you hover over it it should say Login as Customer Administrator. Click on it. It will take you to the customer's exchange cPanel.
  6. Click on Add new email under the Exchange box.
  7. If resources need to be added to create the email, there should be a button that says 'Update Resource Limits'. Click on it. Add resources as necessary.
  8. Once resource requirements are met, the button will send you to the email wizard. Input the name and address requested by the customer
  9. Generate a password, either with a password generator program or in the wizard. Copy the password into notepad. Click next at the bottom of the screen.
  10. On the next screen check the boxes next to OWA, Outlook, and ActiveSync.
  11. Click Finish
  12. Copy the new email as well as the password into the customer's ticket. (If the customer called, create a ticket so we have a record of the information.)
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